Community Involvement
Giving Back to the Community that Supports Us
Community Involvement
At Anderson Plumbing, Heating & Air, we care tremendously about the well-being of our entire community. With this in mind, we make it our mission to give back through our Random Acts of Plumbing, Heating & Air program and our frequent volunteer efforts.
Our entire team often donates their time, talent, and resources to a variety of organizations dedicated to making San Diego safer and healthier for those in need.
Random Acts of Plumbing, Heating & Air
Through the Random Acts of Plumbing, Heating & Air program, we provide cost-free services to underprivileged homeowners, families, the elderly, and organizations throughout our community.
We believe there’s no greater feeling than helping those in need—not for a monetary reward, praise, or even a pat on the back, but simply because it’s the right thing to do. With this philosophy, we make it our mission to change lives throughout San Diego County, one plumbing, heating, or cooling service at a time.
How We Give Back
Susan G. Komen San Diego is a local organization that provides free mammograms, biopsies, ultrasounds, care coordination, education and financial assistance for breast cancer patients’ most critical needs during treatment. The organization is also the largest nonprofit funder of breast cancer research outside of the U.S. government. We regularly participate in the annual San Diego Race for the Cure, our Find a Cure Friday program, fundraising and more.
See Susan G. Komen San Diego Website
Troops to Trades helps veterans by providing them with career placement options, training grants and scholarships to help them find careers. As a qualified Troops to Trades member, we have made an official commitment to hiring veterans, Reserve and National Guard members, and we put our marketing dollars behind it!” We produce and run paid online and tv ads to support this patriotic recruiting initiative.
Watch Troops to Trades Video on Youtube
Mary Jean Anderson, a Girl Scout Alumna, was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Girl Scouts’ 2015 Volunteer Conference. She GLADLY volunteered her time to share how her scouting experience has helped shape her life and her company. More recently, she has served as a mentor and has instigated company-wide support for the local troops. Besides helping a scout send 200 boxes of cookies to our troops, our company has made a financial contribution and donated a mini-split air condition system with installation for their offices.
Visit Girl Scout’s San Diego Website
We’ve supported the K9 Unit for the San Diego Police Foundation and also helped purchase kits for officers to carry in the trunk in the event they need a tourniquet type device. We were proud to find out that the money we earned was put to use right away. In the first six months, this equipment ended up saving a female police officer’s life. Had it not been in her trunk she would have died. It is an amazing feeling to know we can make a difference.
Visit San Diego Police Foundation’s Website
Anderson is proud to support the Foundations of Sharp Health, a not-for-profit health care system. The three Foundations of Sharp HealthCare support the programs and services of their respected regional medical centers and specialty hospitals, enabling Sharp to provide the highest quality care for their patients.
Mary Jean Anderson is a member of the Board of Directors for Crisis House, which provides humanitarian services to those in crisis in East San Diego County. The men, women, and children we support struggle to overcome complex and challenging circumstances, including domestic violence, addiction, health conditions, and lack of access to food and housing. Crisis House responds immediately to connect people to services that can help resolve life-endangering situations so they can renew their lives.