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Five Precautionary Coronavirus Tips

Protecting Yourself From Coronavirus

If you’ve recently watched the news, you’ve probably heard about the worldwide spread of COVID-19, or as it is more commonly known: Coronavirus. This virus is believed to have broken out overseas and has begun to spread to various countries around the world, including here in the United States. What has many people worried is that this disease is said to be highly contagious and may be spread through skin-to-skin contact, airborne transmission, and more.

To make matters worse, there is a ton of misinformation out there concerning this outbreak. That means you may have heard misleading stories or conflicting information that leaves you lost and confused about what to do. Should you be going out in public? Should you be stocking up on emergency rations to try and avoid possible exposure? Should you be buying a breathing mask when you’re going to be around a large group of people?

This blog will answer some of these questions and offer some helpful precautionary tips you should follow to stay safe and healthy during this uncertain time.

Precautionary Tips for Coronavirus

Avoid Those Showing Potential Symptoms

This may be one of the single biggest reasons why so many people are so concerned about this disease: the symptoms are prevalent, and often resemble the standard flu. According to the Center for Disease Control [1] (CDC), Coronavirus spreads from person to person through close contact with one another, meaning coming within about six feet of someone. This doesn’t guarantee infection but makes it certainly possible.

Another way the virus can spread, according to the CDC [1], is through respiratory droplets that are produced when someone coughs or sneezes. These droplets may land in the mouth or nose of someone else, resulting in potential disease spread, and they can also be inhaled into the lungs, resulting in possible transmission. Of course, with winter being a typical cold season across the country and many other conditions like bronchitis, pneumonia, or the flu often including a cough as one of their symptoms, it’s easy to mistake another illness for the Coronavirus.

Wash Your Hands & Sanitize Frequently

The Coronavirus has an incredibly simple and common method for prevention: wash your hands. After using the restroom, coming in contact with a large group of people, touching a public object, before eating, after blowing your nose, or when you cough or sneeze, scrub your hands with soap and warm water for approximately 20 seconds to remove the germs that may be on your hands. The CDC’s handwashing website [2] has some valuable tips for making sure your hands are spotless. If there is no sink, water, or soap available, the CDC recommends [3] using a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol and rubbing your hands thoroughly.

Wear a Mask? Not So Fast

There has been an alarming trend of masks selling out everywhere. In fact, there is a tremendous shortage of these masks in the country, and that’s not a good thing for health workers and those taking care of others in close settings, as they are the ones who genuinely do need these masks to ensure their health and protection. The CDC does not actually recommend [4] using a facemask to protect yourself from respiratory diseases. Instead, only those who show symptoms of COVID-19 should don a mask to help prevent droplets from entering the air that can spread the disease to others.

Strain the Air with an Air Purifier

Finally, it was mentioned [1] previously that Coronavirus could spread through the air. Infected droplets in the air may be pulled into your HVAC system and can potentially spread throughout the building you’re in — and that’s something nobody wants to deal with. However, there is a solution that may help: an effective air purifier. Although they are not a guarantee against COVID-19 transmission, air purifiers have been shown that they may help filter out virus-sized particles from the air. This means they could potentially reduce the chances of transmission and keep you and your loved ones safe.

If You Think You Have Been Infected or Exposed to the Disease

First and foremost, remain calm and do not run to your local doctor’s office or hospital. Instead, the CDC states [5] if you believe you have been exposed or are showing potential symptoms of COVID-19, call your healthcare provider right away — do not wait. From there, your healthcare provider will instruct you on what the best plan of action will be, and they will be able to prepare their office for your visit; this will help limit the chance of exposing others to the disease.

Now, if you have been diagnosed with Coronavirus, to keep those safe around you, the CDC says [5] that infected parties should:

How Anderson is Taking Precaution

Here at Anderson Plumbing, Heating & Air, we are taking Coronavirus exceptionally seriously. In accordance with the CDC, we want you to know that we have instructed our employees to stay at home if they are not feeling well to avoid spreading any illness.

In addition, when you schedule an appointment, we ask that you please advise our Client Care representative ( (866) 374-0402 ) of any illness in the home so we can take the necessary precautions. Together we will do our best to keep your family and our employees healthy and happy!

To learn more about equipping your home with a quality home air purifier, call Anderson Plumbing, Heating & Air at (866) 374-0402 today. We provide HVAC and plumbing services [6] throughout San Diego County, including San Marcos [7], Vista [8], El Cajon, Escondido [9], and more!