Seems like the summers in San Diego are getting hotter. With the increased number of heatwaves we’ve seen this summer, your HVAC is probably your home’s MVP — keeping you cool and comfortable throughout the unexpected temperature rises. But are you giving it the love and attention it deserves?
It can be quite easy to ignore the simple signs of energy waste— that is until the bill comes in. To avoid a shocking statement and keep your energy usage in check, here are the energy wasters you’ll want to look for:

An Outdated Thermostat
A digital thermostat is not only pretty to look at, but it’s also multifunctional! You can your pre-program temperature settings, and you can adjust it from your phone or tablet whether you’re at home or away. A modern thermostat will ensure your home is evenly cooled and not just blowing out cold air and wasting energy.
Constantly Changing The Temp
When the heat rises, we tend to turn down our thermostat a few degrees (or more) to help cool off our home. Though that might seem like your best solution, it can take more energy for the same amount of time. Drastic temperature changes do a number on your system and force it to crank out air, but the results aren’t any faster.
Ignoring The Much-Needed Upgrade
When is the last time you had your system serviced? Annual tune-ups are not only recommended, they are required by many manufacturers to maintain your warranties. By only getting your AC looked at when there is an issue, you could be headed towards a significant breakdown. Beyond that — an older system can be wasting you more energy than you think. By getting routine tune-ups, you can fix any little issues that could be placing stress on your system, while also extending its life.
Looking to get a much needed AC Tune-Up or work towards energy conservation? Our team of experts are here to help! Schedule an appointment today!